HVAC Replacements, Maintenance, and Service. Made Easy.
Your Local, Trusted Heating & Cooling Experts
Serving Residents & Business Owners of Hunterdon County and Beyond

About Us

C&M Heating & Cooling was founded with a single goal in mind – to provide fair, honest, and affordable HVAC solutions to residents and business owners of Hunterdon County, NJ, and the surrounding areas. Count on us for equipment replacement and maintenance, including air conditioning, boilers, and much more. Call us today to discuss your needs!


Installation & Service

  • Air Conditioning Systems

  • Forced Hot Air Systems

  • Hot Water and Steam Boilers

  • Ductless Split Systems

  • Humidifiers

  • Gas Piping

  • Custom Duct Work


Installation & Service

  • Package Units

  • Air Conditioning Systems

  • Forced Hot Air Systems

  • Hot Water and Steam Boilers

  • Gas Detection Systems

  • Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems

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Get A Quote Today!

Proudly providing HVAC installation and repair for homes and businesses in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, and surrounding communities.
Contact us today to discuss your needs, to request a quote, or for any questions or information.

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